WASSUP ENGLISH 내에서 학습 중 궁금한 점을 묻고 답하는 공간입니다.

12-06-27 19:46
제가 초보여서................................................
12-06-28 08:45
채택된 답변
There are reasons why~
For example they study better than I so they get the first, the second and the third in the class. ~ Also teacher acknowledges them, too.
when I didn't bring things that I needed to use in class, I borrowed theirs. Having the hard questions that I can't answer they help me. Sometimes they make me laugh also.
For example they study better than I so they get the first, the second and the third in the class. ~ Also teacher acknowledges them, too.
when I didn't bring things that I needed to use in class, I borrowed theirs. Having the hard questions that I can't answer they help me. Sometimes they make me laugh also.
12-07-05 22:09
* 비밀글 입니다.
12-07-05 22:09
* 비밀글 입니다.
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