표현사전 002 :

1. 그냥 눈 딱 감고 자.
2. 나는 어제 밤 정말 일찍 잠들었어.
1. Just close your eyes and fall asleep.
2. I fell asleep really early last night.
fall asleep
1. 내 아들은 엄마 품에서 곤히 잠들었어.
2. 포근한 이불을 덮고 나는 깊게 잠이 들었어.
1. My son fell fast asleep in his mother’s arms.
2. Wrapped in comfortable sheets, I fell fast asleep.
fall fast asleep
곤히 잠들다, 골아 떨어지다
1. 난 정말 곤히 잠들어서 폭풍소리도 듣지 못 했어.
2. 운동을 충분히 하면 잠이 잘 올 거야.
1. I slept so soundly I didn’t even hear the storm.
2. You will sleep soundly if you get a good amount of exercise during the day.
sleep soundly
곤히 자다, 푹 자다, 단잠을 자다
1. 어제 밤에 난 날아다니는 꿈을 꾸었어.
2. 난 아주 생생한 꿈을 꾸었어.
1. Last night I had a dream that I was flying.
2. I had a dream that seemed so real.
have a dream
꿈을 꾸다
1. 어젯밤 무서운 악몽을 꿨어!
2. 지금까지 꿨던 악몽 가운데 가장 무서웠던 꿈이 뭐야?
1. Last night I had a terrifying nightmare!
2. What is the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
have a nightmare
악몽을 꾸다